Thursday, May 19, 2011

Goodbye Newborn Sleepers

I washed all the newborn sleepers and today I will be packing them all away in the tiny tote. I feel like it's too soon to be saying goodbye to newborn clothes, but he's so tall that 3 month clothes fits better.

Yesterday was the first day I cloth diapered Eli all day long. I'm happy to report that we didn't have a single leak or poop explosion! The more I cloth diaper the more I dislike disposable diapers. And I used to work in a Huggies plant! Right now I'm using regular old prefold diapers with a snappi instead of pins and a thirstie cover over top. When he outgrows the prefolds I'll switch him to modern cloth diapers like Adam wears.

1 comment:

Dave said...

It looks like he is growing out of everything. You must be doing something right!