Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Dog's Mountain- Our UP Trip Part 2

On Saturday we were eager to explore Copper Harbor, but not excited to be contending with a new hatch of black flies.  Normally the flies are bad in May, but with the cold spring they waited until June to hatch.  We decided to head to the top of the hill we named our dog after- Brockway Mountain and hoped that the flies weren't there. 

It was a lot more stressful to be on top of Brockway with a two year old.  And the flies did manage stay on top of Brockway even in the winds.  So after a few pictures we headed to town and ate some Pasty's for lunch.  Adam ate a whole 3/4 pound hot dog all by himself!  He loves his hot dogs.

Then we decided to visit Fort Wilkins.  They've done a wonderful job restoring the fort and it was the perfect afternoon activity for Adam.  We were outside and able to walk around the fort exploring at our own pace.  Grandma and Grandpa had never been there before and they enjoyed it also. 

In one building there were benches to sit on and a movie to watch.  We started the movie fully knowing Adam probably would not allow us to watch much of it.  He sat down next to the window and made friends with the flies.  He kept calling them bees and would say "hi bees, hi bees".  We got to watch more of that movie than I thought.

That night Dave and I went to my friends wedding and grandma and grandpa took good care of the boys.  The wedding was beautiful and I got to catch up with old friends.  It was our first care free night without the boys.

The dreaded long trip home all in daylight on Sunday went great.  We stopped every three hours and in between stops Eli slept and we entertained Adam with songs, games, toys, food and when all else failed he watched kid DVDs.  At one point he was getting pretty board so he started saying wake up Oswald, wake up.  We tell Adam that it's time for the cartoon character to go to sleep and say bye bye when it's really time for Adam to go to sleep, so he decided that waking him back up would make the DVD player turn on. 

We're so lucky to have great car travelers, but I don't think I want to do a trip like that again for a while.

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