Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Como Zoo

I was supposed to go to the zoo with the boys and my family on Friday, but Adam was up several times Thursday night and had a fever on Friday morning.  So instead Friday was my first real whole day with both boys at home.  I don't think I sat down until they were both down for a nap that afternoon.  It was not an easy day at all. 

So when Dave got home from work that night we packed up the car to spend the night at Grandma's so we could go to the zoo on Saturday and spend some more time with my brother and sister in law.  It was Eli's first long car ride and he almost made it the whole way there.  We did stop about 15 minutes south of my parents house for a feeding and diaper change. 

Going to the zoo with an almost 2 year old is so much fun, because he gets so excited to see all the animals.  We got to the zoo right at lunch time and right after lunch is typically Adam's nap time. I did bring our awesome double stroller, but thanks to Uncle Henry holding Adam, Adam stayed awake during the whole visit.

Shar took some amazing pictures of the animals with her fancy new zoom lens.  I want one too now.  I love all the lazy animals lounging around.

 And my favorite was the ostrich who posed for her.

Eli was awake when we got to the zoo, but fell asleep after a feeding and diaper change and then slept the whole time in his stroller (or stloller as Adam calls it).  
At one point Adam even helped Dave push the stloller.  I love moments like this.

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