Thursday, September 1, 2011

Eli is 4 Months

Four months and five days and it's September.  I'm not late with Eli's monthly picture- I just wanted to wait until my new lens showed up to do his pictures. 

Big milestones for this month were rolling from his back to his belly and finding his feet.  Eli gave up the swaddle (way too early in my opinion) and he sleeps on his belly.  For the record we put him down on his back and about 3 seconds later the feet go up in the air and he rolls over.  He was evicted from our bedroom and so he's been rooming with his big bro.  I was hoping he would decide to start sleeping through the night, but alas he still needs that middle of the night feeding(s).  I've given up on drinking decaf coffee and a soda in the afternoon keeps me going until Dave gets home from work.
The amount of drool Eli can put out amazes me.  I'm fearful of the impending teeth that are causing his front gums to be white.  I don't think he'll make it to nine months before they make their first appearance like his brother did.  He just started using the baby jumper and he seems to like it. 

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