Thursday, September 1, 2011

As if our life isn't crazy enough

We've been gone for the last three weekends and we're leaving again this weekend.  Plus I'm down to only two weeks of maternity leave left, but you know it sounds like a great time for Adam to be potty trained.  While we were in Wisconsin Adam started keeping his diaper dry all day long.  So we spent a good amount of time running him to the port-a-potties at Shanty Days, but at least I wasn't trying to find a place to do diaper changes.  So now we're going diaper free and wearing undies.  Lots of pee is going in the potty, but so far only a couple of poops. 

Last night after googling "my toddler won't poop in the toilet" I decided two things.  First he doesn't really have any of the issues those websites talked about thank goodness and second I need a new game plan.  So I put the last of the jelly beans in a jar and placed them on the bathroom shelf.  I explained to Adam that they were poop candy.  He would get two candies for putting a number two in the potty.  And that smart little boy did it this morning for me.  I hope that in time he will start to tell us when he has to go potty, but for now I'm just thrilled with the progress he's made.  How are we going to survive on the long car ride to Madison?  I guess we'll just have to figure it out as we go. 

1 comment:

Bethany said...

My Everett did great with peeing in the potty right away but it took him a good couple weeks after he was having no pee accidents until he managed to start pooping on the potty. Congrats on the potty training!