Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spooky Sprint

I think we should have won the costume portion of the Spooky Sprint this morning!  Oh well I still had fun dragging my little zoo animals to my 5k race.  My pie in the sky goal for the race was 25 minutes and maybe I could have done that had we not gone to Michigan last weekend and I took from Tuesday to Monday off from running.  My official (un-chip timed) time was 26:13 which was almost a minute better than my 5k in August.  I was trying to keep up with my neighbor, but she finished in 24:35.  That's way faster than my legs would let me go.  Next year with a little triathlon cross training I will hopefully have a personal record.

After some lunch and a shower we headed back outside to go to PumpkinFest at the new Winery in Hutchinson.  That's right my little town is becoming more and more classy, but PumpkinFest included waiting for a cow to poop on a square and chucking pumpkins into a field.  There were lots of cute art projects for Adam to make and we got to taste some wine.  I do enjoy Halloween festivities and our Saturday was choked full with them.

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