Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Eli's 6ish Month Check Up

Thwap, thwap, drag.  Thwap, thwap, drag.  "Sarah, where did Eli go?  No seriously, where is he?"  I scanned the living room, dinning room, kitchen and made a mental note that the gate was closed before looking down the hallway to see two little legs disappearing into the bathroom.  This baby of ours can cruise!  He gets where he wants with a very efficient army crawl- leg drag maneuver.   We thought our house was baby proofed, but our ways have relaxed as Adam got older.  There are things that can't be out while Eli is on the loose right now.  I don't know what we're going to do with that tree...

Today we took Eli to his six seven month check up.  I think I rescheduled his appointment 4 times before we actually made it in to the office a month later.  He's our little squirmy wormy and it was extremely difficult for his doctor to look into his ears, mouth and eyes.  Eli was flailing his arms while grabbing at her computer mouse and papers - he is just too interested in everything to sit still.  He's also our little shrimp- his height is 26.25" in the 14th percentile, weight is 17 pounds 6.4 ounces (34%) and his head is 17.75" (82%).  He did pretty good with the shots and even smiled at the nurse before she left the room.

I know he's got some Schwed in there because look at that rockin double chin (my mom thinks his looks are more 'skala- like the babies in my dads family).  And on Monday I noticed a second little nubbin appearing on the bottom.  Two teeth!

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