Friday, July 29, 2011

Three Months Old

How did this happen?  I actually noticed Eli was three months old from the ticker on my blog Wednesday. 

He's been turning from newborn to squishy baby for the last month.  Sleeping longer at night and being more wakeful during the day.  He's getting really good at tummy time with the boppy pillow and his favorite toy is a plan old blanket.  He loves to move the blanket around with his hands and then stick it in his mouth.  He loves it when we talk and play with him.  Sometimes he squeals so loud that he scares himself and sounds a lot like Adam.  Eli also likes to talk to us and it is completely adorable.

He's such an easy baby.  Every night when he starts to look tired we take him downstairs to be swaddled and he smiles at us the whole time.  It's like he's happy we figured out what he wants.  We put him in the crib wide awake, in fact we try to always put Eli down awake and he falls asleep unassisted.  It's great!

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