Saturday, July 16, 2011

Crazy Week 2

It's been a long two weeks at the Schwedskala house.  Dave continued working 12 hour + days through Wednesday this week too.  Thankfully he took today off to recover and spend some family time with us.  I know he could be traveling, or worse be deployed, but it still was a hard two weeks and not having daddy around made me a single mommy and Adam a little extra crabby (I couldn't even count how many times he asked me where his daddy was). 

Monday I had a root canal (I know lucky me) and Tuesday and Thursday I drove into the cities to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa.  We went to the Minnesota Zoo on Tuesday and after we went to visit Great Grandma in the hospital.  On Thursday I really needed to run some errands, so we met at the mall and then went to my favorite Hippy Crunchy Baby store and then to Hugo to visit Great Grandma again.  On Thursday she held Eli for a very long time while Adam played with little people next to her chair. 

One new thing happened at our house this week.  My little Big Boy started eating Cheerios "Like Daddy".  Which means he can eat cereal with milk out of a bowl with a spoon and not spill every where.  When did he get this big?

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