Friday, July 1, 2011

Procrastination from Packing Up

Today is packing day, because we're heading to Dave's home town for the 4th of July weekend.  Adam is at daycare and I'm struggling to find the motivation to get moving.  My alarm went off and I just couldn't drag myself out of bed for a run (plus it's darn hot out there).  A shower didn't happen because Little Man woke up before 7 AM and was not in a good mood! 

So in mommy news, I just love going to the dentist.  On top of getting three cavities filled I need a root canal, a crown on that tooth and a night guard because I'm a grinder.  So I feel a little guilty taking antibiotics to kill the infection in my root, but not being able to sleep because of throbbing pain for the next week is not an option.  The pain isn't really to that level yet, but I believe this tooth was causing me at least half of the pain that was keeping me up all night at the end of Eli's pregnancy. 

In kiddo news Adam's vocabulary is huge, "mommy, I want the ca-chew" (I didn't know he knew cashew).  And Eli's super cute new thing is to grab a blanket he's lying on and bring it to his face and try and suck on it.

I'm really enjoying having two little subjects to photograph.  I only take pictures when I'm in the right kind of mood, but then I just snap away like crazy.  I think I took close to 80 pictures for Eli's 2 month post.  Last month I took 807 pictures.  What I'm finding though is that I don't like the exposure I get in the aperture priority mode.  So I'm starting to dabble in full manual mode (auntie Shar will be so proud).  There's a lot more to keep track of, but I think what I capture is much more "me" and less standard camera.  Right now I love this picture of Eli in his little car sleeper (that he got from my awesome cousin Vanessa):

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