Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Son is Clairvoyant?

There was the Girl scout Cookie incident this spring and then once we were calling Grandma Rose because he had asked for a pie, but when she answered the phone all of a sudden he switched topics to dinosaurs.  Grandma Rose was like I just found a dinosaur coloring book for him to have, how did he know?  Well then today in church (side note- I took both boys to church by myself, ALONE) he was talking about aliens again.  I remembered that I had figured out before what he was trying to say when he said alien, but I would have to go back and find it on my blog to figure it out.  I looked it up and of course, ambulances.  After church my mom called to tell me that Great Grandma had been taken by an ambulance to the hospital at about 11 AM, right about the time church started and Adam was babbling about aliens.  So what do you think, is he clairvoyant? 

If he can indeed see the future I wonder how far he can see, because he told us that Eli will play hockey for Michigan Tech. 

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