Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Day in My Life

I wrote this post on June 22nd and just realized I never posted it.  Enjoy:

One of the blogs I follow has been having guest posters write about what their typical day is like.  Honestly I find these posts a little depressing because they make a day seem so short and uneventful, but I figure if I don't write what my day is like I won't remember in six months when hopefully I won't be so sleep deprived.

I typically wake up around 7 AM when Dave is getting out of the shower.  I'm up twice in the night to feed Eli around 3 AM and 6 AM (and last night once with Adam at 3 AM before the Eli feeding).  This morning I woke up at 6:45 when my alarm went off so that I could go for a run.  I hustled out for a quick 15 minute jog with Brockway.  Once back I hoped in the shower and then got dressed.  My hair is still wet and will wait a couple of hours before I do anything more than brush it.  I grab Eli and bring him upstairs.

By this time it was 7:30 and Adam was awake and eating waffles with Dave.  I made some scrambled eggs and chowed down.  While Adam and I finished eating Dave kissed us goodbye and left for work.  After breakfast I do my least favorite daily activity - pumping 5 oz of milk for the freezer.  I hate pumping and it's a daily reminder that I will be going back to work and relying on a freezer full of milk to feed my baby instead of me feeding my baby. 

While Eli napped in the swing, Adam and I went downstairs.  He played while I threw a load of diapers in the washer.  I cannot believe how much laundry I do these days.  I didn't notice the extra loads when Adam joined our family two years ago, but now with Eli and two in cloth diapers I feel like I spend more time in the laundry room than any where else in the house!  Today was a good day and I did my hair only an hour after showering.  And when I finished Eli was wailing for food. 

After feeding Eli, Adam getting a snack and a round of diaper changes I packed up the van to go to the mall.  It's been raining a lot so I figured walking around the mall and letting Adam climb up on the mechanical quarter eating machines would get some toddler energy out.  When we got to the mall a grandpa was fishing change out of his pocket to start one of the mechanical toys up for his grandson.  I grabbed Adam and ran real fast in the other direction.  Our children DO NOT need to know that they will move!  After 45 minutes of walking and climbing I succeed in tiring Adam out when he asked, "momma hold you".  We came home to eat lunch and then the process of toddler nap.  Lots of tears, pleading, and playing to go through before we have a sleeping child.  Today it took 45 minutes and several interventions before he finally napped. 

Then it's time to straighten up the house and mommy time.  I get to blog, check email, watch the DVR and on rare occasions nap for a few uninterrupted minutes.

Adam and Eli both woke up at 2 today.  After eating and another round of diaper changes a neighbor girl came to watch Adam so that Eli and I could go to the doctor.  Adam waved goodbye and seemed really excited to play with Ashley and her sister Catlin.

After our doctors appointments I came home for a short hour.  Somehow I managed to squeeze in yet another toddler snack, some hugs, feeding Eli and putting together the diapers I washed earlier this morning.  Then my parents showed up to watch the boys and Dave and I left for golfing.  It was a much needed date night.  I really enjoyed it even though it was raining.  On the hole with the longest drive competition one of the guys we golfed against thought his partner had out drove the longest drive stake.  I jokingly said, "I don't know you haven't seen my drive yet."  Sure enough I had a great drive and out drove him and the longest drive stake.  That doesn't happen to me very often.  My friend Brooke out drove me later, but she gave me the free drink because she such an awesome friend.

After golf we got to stick around the club house and eat dinner and catch up with our friends Andy and Brooke.  We joked that it was the first time we hung out sans kids and pouches in the two years since Adam was born.  So today wasn't a "typical" afternoon and evening, but with two boys nothing is routine or typical anymore.

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