Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Little Tooth

My little Eli has a tooth poking through on  his bottom left side.  I'd say he's too young, but then he did eat pieces of bread and macaroni and cheese for supper.  I'll let him have a couple teeth... if I have to.  The tooth is probably the reason Eli was obsessed with his giraffe chew toy lately and why he came home from daycare with a cloth bib covered in drool.

And just in case you wondering, no bread and macaroni and cheese are not what we typically feed Eli.  I had to bowl after work, because I'm in a bowling league.  Dave picked up the Little Men and decided he would take them home, but Adam asked where I was and Dave told him bowling.  Adam immediately said that he wanted to go see the bowling game, pins and score.  So I had just finished throwing the ball down the lane and turn around to see my three favorite guys just walked in!  We ended up eating dinner at the bowling alley and Eli ate little pieces of what we had.  It was a nice family outing.  Thank goodness, because we didn't have a single toy or the diaper bag!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, Sophie the Giraffe! That is a really popular teething toy- both my nieces used it and I've bought her as a gift for some friends of mine.

That's a beautiful boy you have : )